If He doesn’t, He is still good

..and let that be your greatest worship to Him

If God doesn’t, He’s still good.

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If He never heals you, He is still good.

If He never gives the desires of your heart, He is still good.

If He never speaks, He is still good.

If He never meets you on your terms, He is still good.

If He never brings you to your promised land, He is still good.

If He never makes you understand, He is still good.

If He never ends your waiting, He is still good.

If He never presents you the gift of having someone to be with, He is still good.

If He never carries you to the overflowing harvest, He is still good. not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. (Hebrews 10:35)

Sweetheart, if He doesn’t — will you still follow Him?

Will your confidence remain in Him?

Will you still hope in Him?

Will you still confess, “He is faithful.”

Will you still pray with a childlike faith?

So, do not throw away your confidence dear one. Do not do it!

Because He is better.

He’s better than anything you can name. He’s better than anything you could take. He’s better than anything your life could get into. He’s better than the victory you’re asking after your crisis. He’s better than any of your good preferences. He’s simply, the superior of all. 

He is your fullness.

You want to know how to make Satan mad? If he hears you say, “I will dance in these disappointments. I choose to worship. I choose Jesus.”

Oh beloved, with that confidence in your heart — I can imagine the devil grumbling, “Dang it! I don’t have her!”

Even in the midst of your questions, decide that it’s okay not to understand. You just want Jesus.

I just want Jesus.

“But you don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve already thrown my confidence away. I no longer trust fully to the name who saves me. My confidence is gone.

Here you are ..broken and left with no courage to move forward.

And it’s okay. After all, love is never born in stillness and safety. It blooms in mess and pain.

I understand. Trust me when I say that I have been there. It was a perishing season which made me cling on more to the steadfast love of Jesus Christ. It was a season when God will drop love letters for me everywhere, reminding me that I’m not defeated. That I am no longer slave to fear. If He could do it to me, He could do it to you too. Let’s get that confidence back, shall we?

Let’s be vulnerable. Do you trust me? Let’s strip down all those walls. I am with you. I believe in you. I want to hear you.

Maybe you lost your confidence because of a violated conscience. Maybe there are areas in your life living in disobedience. So now in relationships, you can no longer look people in the eye because of what you are hiding. Or maybe there is this unresolved bitterness in your heart which leads to forgiveness that God initiated but you have not.

Then this happened.

You ran away. You turned away. You have tried everything else except Him.

Yet, this my friend, I am sure of: In the end, where else could you go? Nothing else fulfills when you find it; nothing else forgives when you fail it. No one takes you back like He does.

Remember this word again: Grace.

Grace is forgiving. Grace heals.

Grace is thoughtful. It listens to your back story, and still eager to hear your commentaries.

Grace regards all flaws.

Grace covers your past and empowers your future. It does not condemn, but convicts and brings life again.

Grace looks at what could be instead of what should have been.

Grace confronts the worst of a person and does not shy away when it reaches the darkest part: because at our worst, we realize how much we must confront the ugliness inside.

Grace restores there, in the wreckage. It heals the fractured fallen weary sinner.

It is not what we deserve, but what we need: and Jesus saw what we deserved, but gave us what we needed, Him.

That’s grace.

Love unconditional, undeserved, unrelenting, always resurrecting.

Dear friend, your confidence is coming back.







10 responses to “If He doesn’t, He is still good”

  1. junizesandiego Avatar

    You want to know how to make Satan mad? If he hears you say, “I will dance in these disappointments. I choose to worship. I choose Jesus.”

    — This is my highlight though but in my recent conversation with God, I realized that it’s not me who chooses Him over and over and over again. It’s Him who choose to love all over again. For He said in His word that He has chosen us even before the foundation of this world to be holy and blameless before Him. And I think that’s our assurance. He chose us. He is for us. He’s deeply, crazy, in love with us bcos He is love. ❤

  2. Daddy's Girl Avatar

    Your posts never fail to stir my heart. Thanks for this! 🙂

  3. francescaph Avatar

    Reblogged this on with love, francesca ♡.

  4. lifegoingthirty Avatar

    Reblogged this on Break free and commented:
    Thank you Lord it is done.

  5. yeboldan Avatar

    I am so blessed with your posts Miss Joena. Thank you for this one. Please keep writing. God bless your beautiful heart!

  6. Miss C Avatar

    Reblogged this on SerendipityC and commented:
    I just breathe disaster today. Everything seems to fall into pieces. Nothing seems right. I’m in the peek of being lugubrious. I have been searching for the right term or sentence to fit my situation and this vastly explain it.

  7. Maria Coniluz Avatar

    Reblogged this on Roisterer and commented:
    Everything is grace. ❤

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