And That’s How You Let Go

Have you ever loved a season so much that you don’t want it to end?

You love everything about it. You love the people who are in it. You love how it makes you feel so special and loved. You love the freedom and sense of safeness it brings. You love how it makes you smile before going to bed and how it makes you look forward to mornings because aah.. the season is just so heavenly.

Until one day, you’ll hear God say, “It’s time to go. Off to the next season, young heart.”

You hear yourself resisting, “Can we stay a little bit longer? Please. Just a little bit longer.”

What to do when you reach this point?

My friend, this is how you let go.

1. Realized that each day you choose to hold on means a day of delay to what God has truly prepared for you.

I’m not an expert at this. I am nowhere near an example. There were a lot of times I hold on to people and things too tightly. Yet, I am doing a lot of growing up lately. It’s painful, strange, and all together beautiful.

I am learning to release people to where God called them instead of keeping them in my safe bubble. I am learning to trust more in the character of the Lord more than His timing. Cause my view of time can screw up but His love will remain.

I am learning that I can’t allow my deceiving emotions and blurry vision to degrade God’s perfect and pleasing will for my life. For anyone’s life. I am learning the truth that if I hold on too tightly to this life, eventually I will lose it. I will lose the person that I want to be by simply choosing to stay and refusing to grow.

And yes, pain will be there when we decide to let go of the rope especially if we have invested our life in it. Yet don’t trust seasons which cost nothing and does not hurt. When Jesus let go of His own life, it costs Him tremendous amount of pain. It costs Him his own life in exchange of the greatest demonstration of love. Us.

So learn to constantly give your heart away instead of polishing it. 

We must train ourselves to fall in love more in the process rather than day dreaming to becoming a finish product. And when we do, we’ll allow God to steadily work out His plans for us without a delay.

2. Trust that God can bring you to higher mountains of joy

Have you ever talked to a friend who shares the same stories over and over again?

“God is really amazing. He made me passed my board exam!”

“But isn’t that a year ago?”

“Right.. well, He’s really a good God eh?”

You see.. God is unquestionably a faithful God. No doubt about that. I wound’t even try to contest on that. I have experienced it myself. Yet, it is so disheartening when people unawarely boxed God with their previous successes or breakthroughs in life. As if God can’t do any better.

Forget the former thingsnor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Maybe, forget the former things, doesn’t just pertain to painful memories.

Maybe, forget the former things, also means forgetting the past wonders so you can continually experience the fullness of who God is.

Don’t get stuck in the moment, sweetheart. God doesn’t want to leave you behind either. Remember that you are not made solely for temporary pleasures but for eternal splendor.

Forgetting the former things is God saying, “It is time to have new testimonies in me. Let go.”

3. Don’t go back.

When you decide to let go, don’t go back. I understand that you have loved those times together so dearly but keep it together. You got this. Stay with God.

It is unhealthy for you to keep reminiscing. You’re here now. Keep moving. The Lord will fight for you. It is okay to miss things and to miss people yet deliberately choose to be joyful where you are right now.

There is a wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. (1 Peter 1:6)

Some days, you will purposely choose to avoid photos that would remind you of that season. It’s okay. You are allowed to be unsteady. Although time will come you’ll realize that you don’t really miss the season, you just miss the thought of it. You miss the warmth, the butterflies, the comfort and the routine. And that’s it. But you’re here now. There’s no avoiding it.

And when you are finally ready, you’ll be all set for the next step: To get up. 

Don’t go back. Get up. Bring out that smile again. There’s a brim of sunshine waiting for you. The season of spring awaits. The cold winter season is now letting you go.

Dance with your new season, beloved.